An Interview with Frances Fox Piven

This is an article from that talks about Covid and the changes that came about in line with the Cloward and Piven strategy. The article is an interview with Professor Frances Fox Piven, an 87-year-old scholar known for her work on social movements and activism. In the interview, she discusses the relevance of her research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic challenges it has brought about. The central theme of the interview revolves around the idea of mass uprisings and collective action during times of crisis, even when physical gatherings and traditional forms of protest are restricted.

Here are the key points discussed in the interview:

Frances Fox Piven’s Work: Piven is described as an intellectual guru of activist progressives, and her work focuses on uprisings and collective actions that occur during crises when the familiar routines of everyday life are disrupted.

The Ongoing Crisis: The interview acknowledges the ongoing crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and its economic impact, with millions of Americans facing challenges like refusing to pay rent and essential workers going on strike.

The Nature of Uprisings: Piven highlights that traditional mass movements often involve physical gatherings, such as marches and protests. However, in the current situation where physical gatherings are restricted, she argues that the essence of these movements is not just the physical presence of people but the ability of the movement to disrupt and make institutional life impossible.

The Importance of Strikes and Refusal: Piven emphasizes that the most crucial aspect of movements is their ability to strike, refuse, and disrupt normal operations. She believes that the coronavirus does not hinder this capacity, and people can still effectively shut things down.

Rent Strike: Piven expresses the belief that a rent strike is possible and practical at this time, especially since many people do not have the financial means to pay rent. She sees it as a way for individuals to come together to address a larger systemic issue.

Targeting Specific Interests: Piven suggests that different forms of strikes or refusals can target those who are benefiting from the pandemic, such as wealthy individuals and certain industries. She highlights the need to redirect attention towards people who need support rather than favoring big corporations and investors.

Criticism of Movements: Piven discusses how movements are often criticized for not making enough demands or not considering their demands’ compatibility with the existing societal structures. She argues that movements alone cannot bring about systemic change and that possibilities for change are limited in the United States.

In summary, the interview with Frances Fox Piven explores the potential for collective action and uprisings during the COVID-19 crisis, emphasizing the importance of strikes and refusal as effective tools for challenging the status quo and addressing systemic issues. Piven also touches on the need to consider the historical context and the limitations of movements in achieving lasting change.