Venezuelan Gangs in Aurora, CO: A Symptom of Open Borders

In recent years, the city of Aurora, Colorado has seen a disturbing rise in the presence of Venezuelan gangs. This phenomenon is directly tied to the ongoing crisis in Venezuela and the Biden administration’s open border policies. The influx of Venezuelan migrants, while understandable given the dire conditions in their homeland, has also created opportunities for criminal elements to exploit. These gangs are preying on vulnerable communities, both within the Venezuelan diaspora and the broader Aurora population. The situation in Aurora is not an isolated incident; it serves as a stark illustration of the broader consequences of uncontrolled immigration and the potential dangers it poses to American communities.

Furthermore, the rise of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora can be seen as a manifestation of the Cloward-Piven strategy. This political strategy, developed by sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven in the 1960s, advocates for overloading the government’s welfare system to create a crisis that would lead to the implementation of a guaranteed minimum income or other socialist policies. By allowing a massive influx of migrants, many of whom are in dire need of assistance, the Biden administration is, inadvertently or not, contributing to the overloading of social services and creating a strain on local communities.

The Rise of Venezuelan Gangs in Aurora

The presence of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora is a relatively new phenomenon. Prior to the political and economic crisis in Venezuela, the city had a small but vibrant Venezuelan community. However, the influx of migrants in recent years has brought with it a criminal element that is exploiting the situation. These gangs are involved in a variety of illegal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, and human smuggling. They are also responsible for a rise in violent crime in the city.

The Venezuelan gangs in Aurora are often well-organized and heavily armed. They are known to use intimidation and violence to maintain control over their territory and their victims. They often target other Venezuelans, who are seen as easy prey due to their language barrier and their lack of familiarity with the American legal system. However, these gangs are also increasingly targeting the broader Aurora community.

The Impact on Aurora

The rise of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora has had a devastating impact on the city. The increase in violent crime has created a sense of fear and insecurity among residents. Businesses are suffering as customers are afraid to venture out at night. The city’s reputation has also been damaged, which could have long-term economic consequences.

The Venezuelan community in Aurora has been particularly hard hit. Many Venezuelans came to the United States seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Instead, they have found themselves living in fear of their own countrymen. The gangs are creating a climate of terror within the community, and many Venezuelans are afraid to speak out against them.

The Role of Open Borders

The Biden administration’s open border policies have played a significant role in the rise of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora. By allowing a massive influx of migrants, many of whom are undocumented and have no ties to the United States, the administration has created opportunities for criminal elements to exploit. The lack of adequate screening and vetting of migrants has made it easy for gang members to enter the country and set up shop in cities like Aurora.

The open border policies have also strained the resources of local law enforcement. The Aurora Police Department is already understaffed and overworked. The influx of migrants has added to their workload, making it more difficult for them to effectively combat the rise in gang activity.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

The situation in Aurora can also be seen as a manifestation of the Cloward-Piven strategy. This political strategy, developed by sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven in the 1960s, advocates for overloading the government’s welfare system to create a crisis that would lead to the implementation of a guaranteed minimum income or other socialist policies.

By allowing a massive influx of migrants, many of whom are in dire need of assistance, the Biden administration is, inadvertently or not, contributing to the overloading of social services and creating a strain on local communities. This strain is creating opportunities for criminal elements to exploit, as seen in the rise of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora.

The rise of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. The city needs more resources to combat gang activity. The Biden administration needs to rethink its open border policies and implement stricter screening and vetting procedures for migrants. The Venezuelan community in Aurora needs to be empowered to speak out against the gangs and to cooperate with law enforcement.

The situation in Aurora is a warning sign of the potential dangers of uncontrolled immigration. It is also a reminder of the importance of maintaining a strong and secure border. The United States is a nation of immigrants, but it is also a nation of laws. We need to find a way to balance our compassion for those fleeing oppression with our responsibility to protect our communities from harm.